Mark Voprosov: new on-the-fly Artist-in-Residence at ZKM

Mark Voprosov: new on-the-fly Artist-in-Residence at ZKM

June–July 2022


With the aim of fostering the innovative artistic practice of live coding and stimulating its dissemination in Europe, another artistic-scientific residency will be made possible at the ZKM | in Karlsruhe between June and July 2022 as part of the on-the-fly project. To this end, the following experiment will be ventured: the musician and programmer Mark Voprosov will be invited to join the project. Mark has all prerequisites to experiment with Live Coding. On the one hand he is a software developer with skills in diverse areas like Java or Python and on the other hand he has a musical background. At the ZKM he will be introduced to live coding for the first time and will learn more about live coding in close exchange with the ZKM team and the project partners. In addition, he will be able to work with software in the ZKM studios and use the ZKM's media technology infrastructure, thus contributing in the long term to the further spread of live coding beyond the borders of the European Union. The background of this initiative is not the development of a concrete project but the process of cross-pollination and further spread of live-coding in the future.


Published on June-22