My articles/posts Latest articles 2024-05-04T09:53:29+02:00 Vincent Composieux <![CDATA[ICLC 2023]]> The 2023 International Conference on Live Coding edition is organized by four live coding communities and artistic institutions based in the Netherlands, Ljubljana, Barcelona and Karlsruhe. This partnership emerged from the on-the-fly project carried out by a spread network across those places. Therefore, this ICLC edition is produced with a commitment to distributed work, where the organization process occurs as a feedback loop between communities.

The International Conference on Live Coding (ICLC) is dedicated to practices and research focused on technologies and philosophies that interpret the use of computer code as gesture within the context of live performances. In its previous editions the community has offered important insights on this practice from many diverse perspectives – technical, philosophical, educational, political and more.

ICLC 2023 takes place in Utrecht, The Netherlands from April 19 to April 23 2023, and we wish to challenge our community to bridge even further to its multidisciplinary strengths. We are pleased to invite submissions of proposed contributions in the form of theoretical works, live and live-recorded audio/visual performances, videos, workshops and satellite events. This call is open to everyone. We encourage submissions that cover any topic related to live coding, but in particular we invite the exploration of the following overarching main theme:


Find more info at ICLC 2023

2022-11-30T19:39:47+01:00 <![CDATA[Wiki]]> We have published our wiki, with information about the results of the project, events, live coders, the results of the research group and more!

For us this wiki is just the beginning, it is open for contributions, you can sign up and contribute with the history of the project!

2022-09-28T18:57:02+02:00 <![CDATA[The last Cantina]]> The cantinas are gatherings created during on-the-fly to discuss specific subjects, concerns, perspectives and questions between peers. A series of cantinas have set the pace of the research line of the project. During this cantina, live coders will talk about new perspectives, and conclusions of the project. It doesn't have to be the last, but it will certainly close a season.

Grab a drink of your choice, and come share your thoughts with us on Saturday the 9th of July, 16h00 – 17h00 CET on
In this special session, part of the on-the-fly reaserch group will be together in Barcelona. 
Anne, Dare, Iván, Luka and Patrick (the on-the-fly research group)
2022-07-04T14:20:00+02:00 <![CDATA[on-the-fly.collect(_)]]> From the 7th to the 9th of July, Hangar hosts on-the-fly.collect(_), an encounter of three days that summarizes the different lines of the project and gathers live coders from the four project partners and other geographies. on-the-fly.collect(_) is a space to collect experiences, share ideas, reflect and celebrate the final stage of the two-years-long Creative Europe project On-the-Fly.

On-the-Fly is a project dedicated to the live coding practice, which revolves around humans interacting with algorithms in real-time with an artistic intention, embracing community aspects as well as glitches, errors and open-source ideas.

On-the-fly is coordinated by Hangar in partnership with Ljudmila, Creative Coding Utrecht and ZKM | Center for Art and Media Karlsruhe.

on-the-fly.collect(_) will include a series of activities related to the live coding practice: a workshop, from scratch session, a premiere of the documentary about live coding, final reflections (the last cantina), concerts and an Algorave.


Thursday the 7th of July, Hangar

19h00-21h00 From scratch session

These experimental sessions are held once a month within the Toplap Barcelona community, this time, special guests are also going to join to the challenge: 
Each performer starts from a white screen and has 9 minutes to build a visual or/and sonic output.
The audience also has a special task: At the end of the nine minutes everyone has to clap, no matter the result. This is just for fun!

Friday the 8th of July, Hangar

10h30- 17h00 Algorithmic pattern workshop hosted by Alex Mc Lean + Lizzie Wilson + Iván Paz 

How does live coded algorithmic music relate to ancient heritage algorithms? A workshop dedicated to patterns applied for live coding music or visual that will invite participants to explore both the historical and contemporary use of algorithmic practices in pattern making. In a hands-on session, participants will be learning the practice of tablet weaving, where cards are twisted and flipped to make complex, three dimensional braiding patterns.

Sign up here

19h-21h {on-the-fly} Documentary Premiere

The documentary will be presented for first time with an introduction from Olga Sismanidi, Creative Europe- Culture and the European Education and Culture Executive Agengy (EACEA) / the European Commission.  Through a series of interviews and performances, the documentary offers a glimpse into the practice of live coding and its community, a look at algorithmic performances where, with a single typo, everything can just go wrong! Then, it is not about the error, it is about what you can create out of it!

Saturday the 9th of July, Hangar

16h00 – 17h00 The last cantina

The cantinas are gatherings created during on-the-fly to discuss specific subjects, concerns, perspectives and questions between peers. A series of cantinas have set the pace of the research line of the project. During this cantina, live coders will talk about new perspectives, and conclusions of the project. It doesn't have to be the last, but it will certainly close a season.

17h00-19h00 Live Coding Concert

Live coding is a particular way to experiment with technology. It explores the artistic possibilities derived from algorithmic processes written in real-time interaction with humans. This applied to the different levels of visuals and music such as sound synthesis, pattern generation as well as the structure of the piece. A live coding concert explores the limits and tensions of such possibilities from different angles, time conceptions and hierarchy levels.

Line up: 

17h00 Luka Frelih 

17h30 Patrick Borgeat 

18h00 Turbulente and Roger Pibernat 

18h30 Iván Paz 


Saturday the 9th of July, Sala Vol

21h30 - 03h30 Algorave

An Algorave is a festive event where people dance to music generated by algorithms. The sonic output can be depicted or inspired/conducted by visual patterns, also generated in real-time by algorithmic processes.

Line up: 

21h00 doors opening 

21h10 QBRNTHSS and Sabrina Verbage 

21h30 Flor de Fuego 

22h50 narcode and Sabrina Verbage 

23h30 digital selves and Joana Chicau 

00h10 Eloi el bon noi and Flor de Fuego 

00h50 Alicia Champlin and Joana Chicau 

1h30 Timo Hoogland: ./drum.code

2h10 Niklas and Turbulente 

2h40 La Picante AKA Jenifer 4ninston and Turbulente 

Buy your tickets here 

2022-06-07T10:55:00+02:00 <![CDATA[On the Fly at Primavera Sound: live coding practices across Europe]]> On June 7th, Hangar participates in the Ideas Showroom of Primavera Pro in Barcelona, with a conversation on live coding práctices, between Ludovica Michelin, from the Research and Knowledge Transfer area of the center, Lina Bautista and Iván Paz, from the collective TOPLAP.

Since the 1st of October, 2020, the project On-the-Fly has been promoting the development of the European practice of live coding, a technique of sound and visual creation that generates a technological appropriation through the use and development of free and open programming.

The project, at the intersection between the arts, computing and technology, aims to promote new creative directions for the understanding and use of technology and artistic practices.

Practical information
Date: Tuesday june 7, 2022
Time: 3:15 p.m.
Place: Hall, Centre de Cultura Contemporània de Barcelona (CCCB)

2022-06-06T11:37:00+02:00 <![CDATA[Mark Voprosov: new on-the-fly Artist-in-Residence at ZKM]]> June–July 2022


With the aim of fostering the innovative artistic practice of live coding and stimulating its dissemination in Europe, another artistic-scientific residency will be made possible at the ZKM | in Karlsruhe between June and July 2022 as part of the on-the-fly project. To this end, the following experiment will be ventured: the musician and programmer Mark Voprosov will be invited to join the project. Mark has all prerequisites to experiment with Live Coding. On the one hand he is a software developer with skills in diverse areas like Java or Python and on the other hand he has a musical background. At the ZKM he will be introduced to live coding for the first time and will learn more about live coding in close exchange with the ZKM team and the project partners. In addition, he will be able to work with software in the ZKM studios and use the ZKM's media technology infrastructure, thus contributing in the long term to the further spread of live coding beyond the borders of the European Union. The background of this initiative is not the development of a concrete project but the process of cross-pollination and further spread of live-coding in the future.


2022-06-01T10:19:00+02:00 <![CDATA[Presentation of the documentary {on-the-fly}, ISEA2022 Barcelona]]> On June 14th, Hangar will participate in ISEA2022 Barcelona, ​​the 27th edition of the International Symposium on Electronic Arts, under the theme “Possibles”, with the exclusive presentation of the documentary {on-the-fly}, made as part of the European project On -the-Fly led by Hangar and directed by Iván Paz and Lina Bautista, members of the artistic group TOPLAP. The project was developed in partnership with ZKM, Ljudmila, CCU. 
Live coding uses algorithmic writing as a creative act and is sometimes described as "public thinking" because the programmer's writing process is presented to the audience. During performance, sound and visuals are projected while being encoded in algorithmic processes.  {on-the-fly} is a documentary that offers a glimpse into the practice of live coding and its community, a look at algorithmic performance where, with a single typo, everything can go wrong! 
Practical information:
Date: Tuesday, June 14th, 2022
Time: 6 pm Place: CERC, C. Montalegre, 7, Barcelona
Free entrance  


The event is co-organized by Hangar and co-funded by the program
2022-05-30T11:02:00+02:00 <![CDATA[Rarefacció events in collaboration with On-the-Fly]]> This year in its third edition, Rarefacció - a listening cycle proposing performances based on types of compositions very distant from each other aesthetically but very close on an emotional level- features three events in collaboration with On-the-Fly! 

Joining forces, Rarefacció and On-the-Fly propose a synergetic encounter between artists from different practices and musical backgrounds to offer a thrilling experimental experience.

On the 22nd of April, R3^^IX will perform alonside PLOM🧨

Rashad Becker and Kentaro Terajima will performan together on the 29th of April💥

And on the 13th of May Olivia Jack will present her work in musical code programming with the experimental musican George Adje. The same session will also host Daniel Moreno Roldán and Helicotrema.💣

Save the dates!!



The event is co-organized by Hangar and co-funded by the program.

2022-04-20T12:48:00+02:00 <![CDATA[Coding Culture]]> As part of the hackathon »Coding da Vinci«, the ZKM is hosting a free concert evening that brings together live coding performances by outstanding artists.

Live coding describes an artistic practice and creative technique in which computer programs are written in real time and on stage. The audience will be able to look over the performers' shoulders as they spontaneously produce sound and images while experiencing an audiovisual concert program. Closely related to mathematics and computer science, live coding is a powerful tool for promoting artistic research, digital creation, and technological literacy.

With performances by Elina LukijanovaMichele SamarottoDaniel Kurosch HöpfnerAlex McLean and Lizzy Wilson.



»Coding Culture« is part of the »on-the-fly« project and is co-funded by the European Union's Creative Europe program. It takes place in cooperation with the Institute for Music Informatics and Musicology at the Karlsruhe University of Music.

2022-04-14T10:42:56+02:00 <![CDATA[Algopolis Festival]]> On the 5th and 6th of May Algopolis festival will host the live coding community at this year’s two-day gathering in Ljubljana. Osmo/za invites you to workshops and an exhibition opening, while will open its doors to Friday night’s Algorave with an international lineup of musicians and visual artists. Meet the community that values shared authorship, open-source and free software, the collaboration between different approaches, and a collective atmosphere. Visit Algopolis!


Thursday, 5 May:

  • Live coded visuals workshop with Olivia Jack
  • Exhibition opening Anna Carreras: Live TOPS M-1 coding
  • Demo performance of Wavey wind gesture tracking tools developed at the OTF Hackaton

Friday, 6 May:

  • Live Coding 101 (music workshop with Timo Hoogland)
  • ALGORAVE - 10th anniversary of algorave movement with an international lineup: Patrick Borgeat, Chigüire, Saskia Freeke, Timo Hoogland, Olivia Jack, LinaLab, Ivan Paz, Blaž Pavlica, Roger Pibernat, Luka Prinčič, Turbulente and more.



More info soon!



The event is part of the European On-the-fly project and is supported by the Creative Europe program.

2022-04-11T12:25:00+02:00 <![CDATA[Anna Carreras: Ljudmila's artist-in-residency and 'collaging with code' workshop.]]> Anna Carreras (1979) is a Barcelona-based creative coder and digital artist interested in the complexity that emerges from simple behaviors. In her work, she uses generative algorithms, creative code, and interactive technology as a means of communication and experience generator. She develops interactive installations to explore new emerging narratives encouraging the audience to participate and promote their collaboration. 

She is currenetly Ljudmila's On-the-Fly artist-in-residency. 
The project she is developing as part of the residency deals with complex systems that lie on a continuum between regularity and chaos, between order and disorder. Her visual and sonic exploration of balance and homeostasis is inspired by early ideas of cybernetics. 
The proyect aims at creating a live coded performance and installation based on visual and physical interfaces. Her installation will allow visitors to participate in live coding through an interface, a hacked typewriter, and to generate rhythm, sounds and visuals with the machine. The project explores, on the one hand, how visual elements and algorithms generate machine language, and, on the other hand, how machine sounds can be visually represented.

As part of her residency she organized the workshop 'Collaging with Code', which took place on the 29th of March in osmo/za (Ljubljana). During the workshop she provided participants with the basics of coding in Processing. She then introduced her audience to collage techniques in combination with code, to create unique dynamic graphics and an unlimited number of variations


Anna will share the results of her research in the form of open-source software libraries and documentation on GitHub for other artists or creators to use, build on and explore further.


The event was co-organized by @ljudmilalab and co-funded by the program.

2022-03-30T13:06:00+02:00 <![CDATA[Roger Pibernat: Research Residency and 'Keyboard Acrobatics' Workshop]]> Roger Pibernat is a self-taught illustrator, musician and programmer, who constantly explores new artistic expressions and fields of knowledge. He started using SuperCollider in 2011 and has since performed with the Barcelona Laptop Orchestra. Roger is co-founder of the art collective , where he makes electroacoustic instruments, develops digital and interactive installations and creates audiovisual performances. He is an active member of the growing live coding community in Barcelona.

Roger is currently part of Ljudmila's research residency and he is developing a series of tools that will help speed up coding in SuperCollider and make it easier for beginners. During his residency, Roger is developing techniques for code input, editing, organization, setup, and navigation workflows in live coding perfomances with SuperCollider. His idea is to create a technical guide for playing the instrument - the code in SuperCollider - just like a documentation on playing techniques for analog instruments is made. Roger's goal for the proposed SuperCollider code is to conform as much as possible to the live coding manifesto, especially in points regarding the insight into algorithms and performer's mindset, and the ability to produce expressive music.

As part  of his residency Roger organized the 'Keyboard Acrobatics' Workshop: in the first part of his workshop, that took place on the 23rd of March, he introduced the participants to the live coding tools he has been developing during his residency at osmo/za. 
For the second part of the workshop he organized a 'From Scratch: live coding session', where the participants experimented with the tools and knowledge provided and performed through the From Scratch format.

The event was co-organized by @ljudmilalab and co-funded by the program.

2022-03-23T12:42:00+01:00 <![CDATA["What did 10 years of Algorave teach us about live coding?"]]> From the first live coding performances, which often took place in experimental or academic computer music concert settings, Algorave emerged to bring live coding into the night clubs for people to dance to. Now Algorave is 10 years old!
What have we learned about live coding throughout this decade? How did Electronic Dance Music needs shape our live coding tools and practices? Did we break down the barriers between the people creating the software algorithms and the people making the music? Is Algorave still made from "sounds wholly or predominantly characterised by the emission of a succession of repetitive conditionals" or what actually is an Algorave after all?
Grab a drink of your choice, and come share your thoughts with us on 21 of March 8PM CET on
Anne, Dare, Iván, Luka and Patrick (the on-the-fly research group)
2022-03-18T14:51:00+01:00 <![CDATA[ALGORITHMIC ART ASSEMBLY (AAA) performances available]]> For those of you who couldn't be there or missed the streaming session, the Algorithmic Art Assembly (AAA) was coorganized by On-The-Fly and Mutek ES, and took place on March 12th in Hangar, and via streaming from San Francisco. The event kicked off at. 8.30pm with a streaming session with AAA artists from San Francisco presenting a new interactive work especially produced for the AAA. The live session started at 10pm in Hangar's Ricson Room, where PC Music's Lil Data and local artists Eloi el bon, Alicia Champlin and QBRNTHSS performend while streaming for AAA San Francisco. 

Watch the full performance here

2022-03-14T11:49:00+01:00 <![CDATA[On-The-Fly Hackaton at Vetrinjski Dvor, Slovenia]]> On March 19th and 20th from 10am to 8pm, Hangar will host the On-the-Fly Hack Lab

In the first week of March 2022, six hackers joined the Ljudmila On-The-Fly hackaton at Vetrinjski Dvor in Maribor, Slovenia. 

The project they were hacking on is a wireless gesture controller. A few different hardware options were explored, some based on an ESP32 board with a separate IMU chip, and also an Arduino Nano 33 BLE as an alternative, which has a 9-axis IMU sensor already inside.

Besides improving the stability and quality of the motion tracking, they also implemented different wireless transport options - BT serial, WiFi and BLE MIDI. The physical design of the controller got a few iterations of improvements and is now much more ergonomic. Different ways of powering the boards with  LiPo batteries were also tried, with or without a voltage regulator. 

Besides all that, one of the boards got mounted in an electric guitar and a lot of live sound processing was done, controlled with the prototypes. They also hooked one up to Hydra for some trippy visuals and played with a new possibility for using the device - housed inside a styrofoam ball - with a 3D printed base to make it into a large trackball. Finally, they presented the results to some guests and each other on the last evening. 


The event is part of the European On-the-fly project and is supported by the Creative Europe program.



2022-03-11T11:52:00+01:00 <![CDATA[VIU 2022: Live Coding Meeting]]> From March 24 to 27, the collective in residence Toplap and On-the-Fly co-organize the VIU Festival, the annual live coding session in Barcelona, which in its fourth edition counts with Leonardo Foletto and Jack Armitage, as international guest artists.

During the four days of the festival there will be workshops, knowledge sharing, presentations of projects developed by members of the Toplap Barcelona community, performances and a closing Algorave.


Thursday 24/3

Workshop by Jack Armitage : 16h

Jack Armitage is a musician, designer, technologist and researcher based in the UK. He is currently researching the design of digital musical instruments and is an artist-in-residence in Hangar during the month of March, as part of the on-the-fly project. During his residency he seeks to create a pedagogical and creative language for musical creation. This workshop will be both the result and the implementation of his research.

From scratch session : 20h

The technique “from Scratch” consists in playing live for 9 minutes, starting with an empty screen, making transparent the tools (classes, functions, data structures, etc.) that allow the livecoder to perform different musical, sound and/or visual tasks within the performance. The audience has to applaud at the end of the 9 minutes, whatever happens!

Friday 25/3

Workshop by CSOUND : synthesis and extensions of language by Leonardo Foletto : 16h

Csound has established itself over the years as an extremely powerful and reliable sound and music computer system. This workshop will explore some of the modern methodologies in which Csound is used for sound synthesis and its available approaches to extend the language. You will learn how to develop Csound instruments within the context of live coding, create new Csound “opcodes” from within the language itself and develop custom “opcodes” using C++, all while exploring different synthesis techniques.
The workshop is developed in collaboration with On-the-Fly associate partner Umanesimo Artificiale.

Something Experimental : 20h

This event brings together live coders who will explore different aspects of a more experimental nature in their performances, such as music created from light and colors, generative algorithms with custom instruments, immersive sound with an 8-speaker system, exploring feedback with the use of binaural microphones, and even a trombone. All this using code in different programming languages oriented to create sound and visuals.

Line up

20:00h Maia Francisco

20:30h Yanú Phlux

21:00h Niklas Reppel

21:30h Gabriel Millán

22:00h Alicia Champlin

22:30h !ME

23:00h dAAX

Saturday 26/3

Demos : 11h

DEMOS is a space where the livecoder community presents tools developed for a specific purpose. For example, a pattern library, a syntax to write from-scratch code, an algorithm to create automatic variations of a preset or a new live coding language.

Within this space are also presented projects that explore live coding from a specific point of view, rather than more or through specific tools. For example, live coding with sensors or live coding without computers:

Presentations by: Alicia Champlin, Niklas Reppel, Roger Pibernat, Iván Paz, Xavi Daax.

Round table and debate on crypto art: 16h

NFT and live coding

Non-Fungible Tokens (NFT) technology has been incorporated into the digital arts conversation, under the idea that it can be used to certify, through distributed block chain technology, the uniqueness of a digital piece. The scarcity of copies of the piece (or the impossibility of the exact copy in this case) remains the basic principle on which the remuneration of the artist’s work depends, and that is why NFTs are generally seen as an opportunity for this systematically precarious professional.

Live coding is undoubtedly a digital art. Moreover, a digital art radically committed to an ethic and an economy of shared knowledge, open source and the copy and derivative piece allowed “by default”. From this perspective, what can NFTs bring to live coding? And, reciprocally, what does live coding tell us about NFTs?

ALGORAVE :  19:30 h

An Algorave is an event where algorithmically generated music is danced to, including the practice of live coding, as well as other ways of controlling and performing generative music.

Line up:

19:30h – Dinou + Glen Fraser

20:00h – Jenifer 4ninston + Julia Múgica

20:30h – Agony Aunts

21:00h – Leo Foletto + Turbulente

21:30h – Taronja i Bikini

22:00h – Aurora Steve + Glen Fraser

22:30h – Lil Data

23:00h – r.phlux.d

Sunday 27/3

Hack-Lab-demo (LINK*) : 12h

Open demo resulting from the research carried out during the On-the-Fly Hacklab, part of the project On-the-fly: Fostering Live Coding Practices across Europe.


The activities have a limited capacity.
Attendance is free but registration is required.

Register HERE

The event will be held following all security measures.

The event is part of the European On-the-fly project and is supported by the Creative Europe program.

2022-03-03T19:08:00+01:00 <![CDATA[Algorithmic Art Assembly (AAA)]]> The resident collective Toplap, in the framework of Creative Europe’s On-the-fly project, and in collaboration with the MUTEK ES festival, presents the first international node of the Algorithmic Art Assembly (AAA), which will take place on March 12 via streaming from 8:30pm and in Hangar’s Sala Ricson from 10:10pm.

In dialogue with the city of San Francisco, the AAA will kick off at 8:30 pm with a streaming session in which AAA artists from San Francisco, such as William Fields and Phil Burk, will deliver a talk while artists Mark Fell & Rian Treanor will present a new interactive work specially produced for the AAA.

Starting at 10:10pm in Hangar’s Ricson Room, PC Music’s Lil Data will perform alongside local artists such as Eloi el bon noi, Alicia Champlin and QBRNTHSS, all streaming for AAA San Francisco.

This event is part of Lil Data‘s (Jack Armitage) residency, which will culminate with workshops, hackathons and an algorave at /*VIU*/ Festival 2022.



Streaming from San Francisco

20:30 h – William Fields’ talk

21:15 h  – Phil Burk – HMSL

Hangar – Sala Ricson

22:10 h – Intro (Jack Armitage)

22:15 h  – Lil Data

22:35 h  – Eloi el bon noi

22:55 h – Alicia Champlin

23:15    QBRNTHSS


Practical information

Date: March 12th
Time: 22:10 h to 24 h
Venue: Hangar, Sala Ricson
Price: 5 € (+ booking fee)
Tickets: HERE


2022-02-28T17:13:53+01:00 <![CDATA[SOFTWARE WORKSHOP by Wouter van Veldhoven]]> Wouter van Veldhoven is a tape artist who hacks his tape machines by replacing motors and using digital controls to create completely new machines.

In his workshop, he will show you how he controls analogue gear in his work, using microcontrollers and software (Pure Data). You will learn about how to make mechanical adjustments to analogue devices, what type of input and sensors to choose for which purposes. Within the workshop, you will be creating an installation, constantly guarding bare-minimum workarounds to keep your workflow going.


Practical information:
Location: TBC
Date: 1 March
Time: 19.00 - 22:00
Price: €30,- / €15.- 


2022-02-25T12:41:00+01:00 <![CDATA[Should we sometimes have live coding events without music just to focus on visuals?]]> While the techniques can be applied to all kinds of time based media, live coding visuals seems to be the second well-established discipline besides music. While outside the live coding community visualist and VJs still often struggle with not being mentioned at all on event flyers, visual live coders are given much more credit at Algoraves and related events. But while one usually would not let two distinct music acts play at the same time, visualists and musicians often get paired at random, both with their own artistic goals, aesthetics and flows that might not always go well together.
How do visualists (and musicians) approach these spontaneous moments of co-creation? Are the visuals just there to follow and enhance the music performance? Can we do it the other way around? Are audio-visual duos (or one-coder bands) the way to go? Or should we even dare to have live coding events with no music performers present at all to spotlight the visual live coders?
So grab a colourful (or deliberately monochromatic) drink of your choice, and come share your thoughts with us on February 21st at 8PM CEST on
Anne, Dare, Iván, Luka and Patrick (the on-the-fly research group)
2022-02-16T17:15:00+01:00 <![CDATA[Sonic Pi Crash Course]]> With the free programme "Sonic Pi" we will conduct small sound experiments and weave different sounds into an exciting sound world. Afterwards, we will build cool beats and dive deeper into the world of "Sonic Pi". In the further course we will deal with live coding.

Digital requirements: Stable internet connection, video conferencing capability (camera and microphone). Headphones are recommended. Please install "Sonic Pi" (runs on all common operating systems)

The workshop will take place online via Zoom on the 13th of February at 10:30 Uhr CET.
The Zoom link will be sent out shortly before the workshop starts.

This workshop takes place within the framework of the project "on-the-fly", which is co-financed by the European Union's "Creative Europe" funding programme.

2022-02-13T13:46:00+01:00 <![CDATA[Encoding the Apocalypse]]> Encoding the Apocalypse features works by The Twin Stranger and Lazarus Chan who are presenting the outcome of their residencies at iii. Using data visualisation and performance they explore the theme of apocalypse as a force of nature and as an aspect of human nature.

‘Mefite Goddess of the Volcano’ is an original, new site based theatre piece on the theme of volcanology and volcano lore by The Twin Stranger, Jude Cowan Montague and Riitta Hakkarainen. The piece incorporates multiple live coders working with various data streams, such as seismic data, ground deformation, earthquakes and volcanic emissions.

The Twin Stranger Residency is a collaboration between iii and CCU.

Practical information:
Location: iii workspace, Willem Dreespark 312, The Hague
Date: 20 February 2022
Time: 19:00 - 22:00
More info:
About the works:

2022-02-08T17:12:00+01:00 <![CDATA[AIR RHYTHM MACHINE Workshop]]> In the workshop “AIR RHYTHM MACHINE” Branimir Štivić will guide you through his new media artistic process using practical examples to introduce you to live coding, physical computing and MIDI sequencing. As an artist, Branimir works with pneumatic systems, microcontrollers, breath sensors, live coding environment, and music creation software. Pneumatics is the science and technology of pressurized air—using piped, compressed air to transmit force and energy. With his guidance, you will learn how to control air to produce music through DIY use of industrial automation components and everyday objects.

With a simple practical example of making a compressed air drum machine we will go through the basics of pneumatic systems, flow control with electromagnetic pneumatic valves, percussion with pneumatic cylinders, force transmission, air pressure, compressors, Helmholtz resonators and principle of air resonance in cavities.


Bringing your laptop/computer for active participation is desirable but not mandatory. 

Materials from the workshop will be published on GitHub.

Practical information:
Location: Het Hof van Cartesius, Utrecht
Date: 18 February 2022
Time: 19:00 - 22:00
Price: €30,- / €15.-

2022-02-08T17:08:00+01:00 <![CDATA[Live coding meetup with Branimir Štivić & The Twin Stranger]]> On February 17th Creative Coding Utrecht hosts a live coding meetup together with Sounds Like Touch. Branimir Štivić and The Twin Stranger present their work (in progress) while they are doing residencies in, respectively, Utrecht and The Hague.

As an artist, Branimir works with pneumatic systems, microcontrollers, breath sensors, live coding environment, and music creation software. Jude Cowan Montague and Riitta Hakkarainen, together as The Twin Stranger, will develop ‘Mefite Goddess of the Volcano’: a new site based theatre piece on the theme of volcanology and volcano lore, this project incorporates multiple live coders working with various data streams

The event welcomes coders, creatives, musicians, artists, visualists and anyone else who is interested or curious to know more about Live Coding.

Practical information:
Date: 17th February 2022
Time: 20h CET

Location: De Havenloods, Utrecht
Price: €5,- regular / €3,50 student


2022-02-08T16:57:00+01:00 <![CDATA[REGISTERS OF CODE: The humxn machine as an organist of the 21st century]]> Registers of Code is a concert night where the world of software development unites with that of organ music. Historically known as a musical tradition evolved from improvisation, organ music shares more similarities to the art of software development than one might expect. With its roots in improvisation, programming can be used to produce audio visual artworks in real-time. During the concert, the relationship between the two practices will be highlighted, not by contrasting them but by fusing them into one.

Through three different performances, we will explore how digital artists enrich the organ. From applying artificial intelligence to create new compositions to using the body as an instrument through sensors, the power of improvisation will be central to the course of the evening. Visit the concert on the 12th of February and experience the masterful balance between the elements of surprise and recognition.

Artists: EerieEar (NL), Branimir Štivić (HR) Rachel Devorah Roma (US)

Partners: On-The-Fly [Creative Coding Utrecht, Zentrum Fúr Kunst and Medien Karlsruhe, Hangar Barcelona, Ljudmila Lublijana], Orgelpark

The event is made possible by Creative Europe & Fonds Podiumkunsten Stimulerignsfonds Creatieve Industrie.

Practical intformation:
Location: Orgelpark
Date: 12 February 2022
Time: 20h CET
Tickets: € 17,50/10,00

2022-02-08T16:46:00+01:00 <![CDATA[Print your own code workshop]]>  

As part of the "on-the-fly: Live-Coding Hacklab" the workshop, hosted by ZKM | Centre for Art and Media on the 30th of January (14:00 Uhr CET), invites young people and adults to learn the basics of coding. During the workshop the participants will code together their own design, which they will then be able to print onto their favourite items in the spirit of upcycling.Whether bags, T-shirts or trousers: haute code-ture in hacker style.

The participants will need:
Light-coloured textiles that you can print on with iron-on foil. 

This workshop is part of the project "on-the-fly", which is co-financed by the European Union's Creative Europe programme. 

2022-01-30T13:13:00+01:00 <![CDATA[Code your Bot Hacklab]]> Hosted by ZKM | Centre for Art and Media on the 29th of January (11:00 Uhr CET), the workshop is open to participats from 9-years-old onwards and offers an intoduction to the basics of programming and guides the participants through the first essencial steps to see their code come to life. 

As part of the "on-the-fly: Live-Coding Hacklab", ZKM holds a workshop where you can experiment with Lego_EV3 generation robots. Your creativity, coding and tinkering are the focus here. The workshop is aimed at children with no previous knowledge of programming.

This workshop takes place within the framework of the project "on-the-fly", which is co-financed by the European Union's "Creative Europe" funding programme. 


2022-01-21T12:59:00+01:00 <![CDATA[on-the-fly: Live Coding Hacklab in ZKM]]>

Join the Live Coding Hacklab 2022 in ZKM, Karlsruhe from January 28-30, 2022! all coding enthusiasts can program collaboratively with international experts. The weekend will be opened by a variety of exciting live coding performances.

The Hacklab will connect live coding with areas ranging from machine learning to spatial sound to programming visuals. There will also be a special on the format of Algorave. Each of these areas will be supervised by international mentors: Alexandra Cárdenas, Anna Xambó Sedó, Antonio Roberts, Iván Paz, Lina Bautista and Marije Baalman.

On the occasion of and during the two-day Hacklab, live coding masterclasses (with Shelly Knotts, Olivia Jack and Kıvanç Tatar) and workshops for beginners (children, teenagers and adults) will be offered. The results of the workshops will be presented in evening presentations and »from scratch sessions«.

The event will kick off on Friday, January 28 with several live coding performances that offer a wide range of different aesthetics and approaches to the audiovisual performance art. We are very pleased to present CodeKlavier, Luka Prinčič and  Blaz Pavlica as well as our Artists in Residence Malitzin Cortés & Iván Abreu, Gaia Leandra and Kıvanç Tatar via livestream.

The Hacklab and the live coding performances are part of the project »on-the-fly« and co-funded by the European Union's »Creative Europe« program. With »on-the-fly«, ZKM, Hangar Barcelona, Creative Coding Utrecht and Ljudmila Art + Science Laboratory have made it their goal to foster the European live coding scene.


We are happy if you would like to participate in the »on-the-fly: Live Coding Hacklab«.
Register for free and binding at
Please reference the format(s) in which you plan to participate:

  • Hacklab
  • Masterclass Shelly Knotts / Olivia Jack / Kıvanç Tatar
  • Workshop Kids / Teens

(No registration is required for the concert evening with live coding performances on Friday).

2022-01-17T10:07:00+01:00 <![CDATA[Is Algorave synonymous with live coding?]]> The last years have seen a surge in media attention for live coding, many of who's focus is on Algoraves.
With more than 20 official events a year, some pulling in large audiences (COVID permitting), Algoraves are now an established part of broader live music culture in some parts of the world. In contrast, many non Algorave live coding events remain fringe or academic events attracting small crowds and without a consistent following. So it is easy to see why Algoraves are dominant in the media describing live coding.
With titles like " Algorave: The live coding movement that makes next-level electronic music" (Mixmag, 2017) or the Guardian's article (2017) "Is Algorave the future of dance music?", we wonder - are Algoraves now synonymous with live coding? And if not, how can we further encourage live coding beyond the algorave and bring it to a broader audience and media attention?
So grab a beer or tea, and come share your thoughts with us on January 17th at 8PM CEST on
Anne, Dare, Iván, Luka and Patrick (the on-the-fly research group)
2022-01-15T22:26:00+01:00 <![CDATA[ORCA: a live coding programming language]]> In Demcember 2021 a small-scale meeting happening in Ljubljana focused on Orca, a live coding programming language. ORCA- esoteric live coding environment- is an esoteric programming language designed to quickly create procedural sequencers in which each letter of the alphabet is an operation, with lowercase letters acting on the bang and uppercase letters on each frame. The meeting aimed at exploring the environment of Orc. and at learning how to construct rhythmic and melodic patterns in a grid of alphanumeric characters, connecting it to a set of hardware. and software synthesizers. At the end the group performed a short group livecoding performance. 



2021-12-18T13:15:00+01:00 <![CDATA[X-mas Family Coding at ZKM]]> Hosted by ZKM | Centre for Art and Media on the 12th of Decemeber (11:00 Uhr CET), X-mas Family Coding invited participants from 8-years-old onwards to program and experiment with the 'Cappiope Mini'.

This family workshop aimed at creating incredibly cool projects with the child-friendly programmable microcontroller "Calliope Mini". They created fun animations with LEDs and control little painting robots, and composed some music and even build their own instrument for it. 


This workshop took place within the framework of the project "on-the-fly", which is co-financed by the European Union's "Creative Europe" funding programme.

2021-12-12T12:44:00+01:00 <![CDATA[Trobada 2.3]]> We are glad to support the Trobada 2.3, an activity led by the collective in residence Toplap Barcelona in collaboration with the On-the-Fly project and the Ajuntament of Barcelona, that will take place on the 1st of December at 7pm.

It will be an activity in the form of a talk-performance to get to know the work of the Toplap Barcelona live coding community.

The invited performers at this event are R.Phlux.D member of LiveCodeMad, the live coding collective of Madrid, and Julia Múgica, scientist and coder, member of the Toplap Barcelona community.
The Trobada 2.3 will be streamed live on Toplap Barcelona's YouTube channel.

On-The-Fly is a project led by in partnership with Creative Coding Utrecht, Ljudmila Art and Science Laboratory, ZKM Karlsruhe, and funded by the Creative Europe Program.

2021-11-29T10:40:00+01:00 <![CDATA[Paratext #58 with Jenny Abouav, Mariana Portela Echeverri, Olivia Jack and Oriol Fuster]]> The next Paratext, a monthly program of performances by artists in residency at Hangar, as well as artists on exchange grants, will take place on November 24th at 6 p.m. They present, in different formats, specific projects or parts of their work. The sessions are always open to the public with the purpose of enabling interaction with the artists themselves. Each Paratext also has an editor who will later publish his or her impressions of the presentation on this blog. On this occasion, Helena Pérez Guerra will be the editor.
Projects will be presented by:
Olivia Jack (On-the-Fly residency)
She is the developer of various browser-based creative tools including Hydra (live-coded video synthesizer), PIXELSYNTH, and LiveLab (peer-to-peer media router). Her live visual sets explore algorithmic representations of unpredictable and chaotic systems, and writing software as a messy and ephemeral process. The residence project of Olivia is called “Fubbles”,- function scribbles - an ongoing research project into drawing as an interface for creating live-codeable functions in real-time.
The artist firstly presented the project in 2020 as part of Hybrid Live Coding Interfaces: performance and craft. During the residency, Olivia would like to develop a lightweight, playful, and flexible web application based on her existing research and proof-of-concept demo of drawing interfaces for live coding.
For more information about the project see the presentation and live demo here
Jenny Abouav (Exchange Grant Hangar – Casa de Velázquez)
Jenny Abouav’s artistic practice focuses on performance and installation. She has presented her work in France and abroad, among others at the Performance Crossing Festival in Prague, the Parallèle Festival in Marseille, the Grenier à sel in Avignon, the ATM: OMNI Festival in Seoul, Inact Festival in Strasbourg and the International Performance Festival in Riga.
Mariana Portela Echeverri (Short-term residency)
She is a Portuguese-Colombian artist whose work explores the languages of the body from a dreamlike and experimental lens.She graduated in Fine Arts at the University of Barcelona (2009) where she was strongly linked to the post-porn art movement collaborating with numerous collectives and artists, among them Shu Lea Cheang. Her work has been exhibited internationally at venues such as Sesc_Videobrasil Contemporary Art Festival (BR) and ICA-Institute of Contemporary Arts of London (UK). 
Oriol Fuster (Production Grant 2021)
He articulates postcoloniality from his Catalan, neurodiverse, worker and non-binary conditions; “four times a rebel” as the poet Maria-Mercè Marçal would say. He uses materials such as the human, literary and political –bodies without a narrative, narratives for bodies. With his work he aims to generate concrete impacts; as we need to, in his opinion, go further from the strictly aesthetical practice: artists owe to society as much as society owes to the arts.
Image: Jenny Abouav – Les matins transparents qui dansent.
The event will be carried out following all security measures. Attendance is free of charge and will be on a first-come, first-served basis.
Supported by: Fundació Sabadell, Casa de Velázquez and Institut Français. Co-funded by The Ceative Europe Programme.
2021-11-16T12:40:00+01:00 <![CDATA[Hydra Workshop]]> On November 19th and 20th, Hangar hosts two workshops of Hydra in the framework of the European project On-the-fly. The workshops will be moderated by Olivia Jack, awarded artist of the On-the-Fly open call and creator of the program. 
Hydra is a platform for creating and modifying shapes, colours, images, videos to make visuals in real time, using lines of code. Hydra is open source and participants don't need to know how to program to use it.
The workshop is divided into two sessions:
On November 19th an initiation session will take place from 18h to 20h. It will be a two hours session to learn the basic functions and have a first approach to the tool.
On November 20th an advanced session will take place from 11h to 14h. This one will be a three hours session to deepen in the use of the platform, solve doubts and learn methodologies.
The sessions are independent, so it is possible to attend one or both sessions, although for the Saturday session it is necessary to have a basic knowledge of Hydra. Also, a laptop is required for both workshops.
Participants can register here
Practical information
Date: 19th and 20th November.
Time: 18h to 20h / 11h to 14h
Location: Sala Plató, Hangar. C/ Emília Coranty, 16.
Limited places: (15 pax)
It is necessary to bring a computer (OSX/ Windows/ Linux).
Previous registration is required
For further info you can email
The event is part of the European On-the-fly project and is supported by the Creative Europe program.
2021-11-04T17:54:00+01:00 <![CDATA[What can networked live coding bring besides telepresence?]]> Computers these days are not just programmable machines, they are almost universally networked. How do we take advantage of this when collaborating on live coding? In many environments, we have tools and support for networked livecoding. Which of the different ways to communicate and share parts of the session have you tried and liked, or perhaps struggled with? 
Is it sharing a clock, the code or program state? Do you use the network for communication or to set up a framework for structured improvisation? Centralized or distributed? How does it change when we are far away from each other, or performing as a "band" on a fast LAN? Is latency always our enemy, or can we make friends with it? Do the inventors of OSC have a momument yet?
Grab a beer or tea, and come share your thoughts with us on November 8th at 8PM CEST on
Anne, Dare, Iván, Luka and Patrick
(the On-the-Fly research group)
2021-11-04T11:19:41+01:00 <![CDATA[Trobada 2.2]]> We are glad to support the Trobada 2.2, an activity led by the collective in residence Toplap Barcelona in collaboration with the On-the-Fly project, that will take place on the 10th of November at 7pm.

It will be an activity in the form of a talk-performance to get to know the work of the Toplap Barcelona live coding community through an informal talk and a short concert/performance.

The invited performers at this event are Olivia Jack, granted with the On-The-Fly research residency and creator of the Hydra visuals live coding language, and Gabriel Millán, member of the Toplap Barcelona community. 

The Trobada 2.2 will be streamed live on Toplap Barcelona's YouTube channel
On-The-Fly is a project led by in partnership with Creative Coding Utrecht, Ljudmila Art and Science Laboratory, ZKM Karlsruhe, and funded by Creative Europe.
2021-10-26T17:47:00+02:00 <![CDATA[ProxySpace performances available]]> For those of you who missed it, Proxyspace was coorganized by On-The-Fly and Mutek ES, and celebrated last May. It was a day dedicated to live coding shows and workshops to learn the basics of live coding.

Each performance included two live coders, one in charge of generating the audio, and one focused on the visual part. In the first show, Iris Saladino and Roger Pibernat integrated programming languages such as Hydra, Tidal and SuperCollider to produce sound and visual narratives.

Iris Saladino is a sound-oriented creative coder based in Buenos Aires. She works live coding music (mainly, but not only) with TidalCycles and visuals with Hydra, and is also member of CLiC (Live Coders Collective).

Roger Pibernat is an illustrator and musician that works with SuperCollider. Co-founder of the Wú Collective, he has been part of the Barcelona Laptop Orchestra, and is currently an active member of the Barcelona live coding community.

In the second show, Shelly Knotts and Glen Fraser combined broken SuperCollider synths and automatic drum machines with particle and shader effects to create fluid, responsive spaces.

Shelly Knotts was one of the artists awarded a grant from the On-the-Fly open call. Her interest in code, data and networks has led her down strange and diverse musical paths, from electroacoustic composition, to jazz and noise music, to Algorave. She experiments with generative and AI techniques and algorithms to make music.

Glen Fraser is a Canadian software developer who has worked in graphics, sound, interactive and immersive technology for over a quarter of a century. Inspired by the TidalCycles pattern language, he develops and uses “Bacalao”, his personal collection of live-coder tools for SuperCollider.

Finally, in the third show, Ivan Paz and Julia Mújica’s performance integrated symbolic machine learning for sound synthesis and systems with collective behavior for the visuals.

Iván Paz's work is framed in critical approaches to technology focused on from-scratch construction as a technique of exploration. He is currently working with machine learning techniques while maintaining the real-time feedback characteristic of live coding.

Julia Múgica has a interdisciplinary background spanning biology and computational physics. Her work includes animated particle design in processing language, noise design from random walk algorithms for modular synthesizers, rhythm and collective patterns with interactive robots.

The event was part of the European project On-the-fly and is supported by the Creative Europe program. Coorganized by: MUTEK ES, and Toplap Barcelona.


2021-10-21T10:20:00+02:00 <![CDATA[ALG0MA5]]> In case you missed it, here's an impression of the concert ALG0MA5 by Creative Coding Utrecht (CCU), Netherlands Coding Live (NL_CL) and Rafaele Andrade at Gaudeamus Festival in Utrecht. The show consisted of diverse live performances like live coding and interactive cello music, by artists curated by partners of the European collaborative project On-The-Fly. In this performance, composers, instrument builders and musicians find in digital tools and electronics a way to expand and enhance their practice.

On-The-Fly project is made possible thanks to the support of Creative Europe, the Dutch Performing Arts Fund and the Creative Industries Fund NL

Video by Grycko

More info



2021-10-19T10:41:00+02:00 <![CDATA[Blaž Pavlica: Drawing with Live Coding]]> On the 9th and the 10 of October 2021, a two-day live coding workshop will be at osmo/za venue in Ljubljana.

Are you interested in visual communication and new ways of expression? Perhaps by drawing with programming code? How about giving live-coding a try?

Join us for a two-day workshop with mentor Blaž Pavlica. Blaž is a programmer, audio-visual artist, sound engineer and DJ, who lives and works in Utrecht (NL).

During the workshop, through the creation of diverse visual sketches or animations, we’ll learn computer graphics and become familiar with the basic concepts of programming and programming languages. We’ll learn about variables, conditional statements, strings and functions as well as how to use them for drawing, designing, animating and colouring forms on the screen.

Among others, the goal of the workshop is to show that every person can start learning to program. Thus, the workshop is also suitable for participants without any programming experience.



DATE: Saturday and Sunday, 9.-10. October 2021 | 11.00 - 14.00, 17:00 - 20:00
LOCATION: osmo/za (8th floor), Slovenska 54, Ljubljana


The workshop is part of the project On-the-fly, co-funded by the Creative Europe Programme of the European Union. The workshop is supported by the Ministry of Public Administration and the Municipality of Ljubljana – Department for Culture.

2021-10-06T15:26:15+02:00 <![CDATA[Coding is generally associated with computers but what’s to say a computer must be involved?]]> To code is to write a precise set of instructions or rules. Sure, these are usually then interpreted by a computer but they could also be interpreted by a human performing actions. Or perhaps applied to a series of physical objects. As educators seek new and alternative ways to teach coding to younger audiences and/or those that don’t have access to a computer, computerless coding is a growing field both relevant to live coding and the broader programming community.


Furthermore, when we think of live coding without a computer, we need to consider alternative interfaces for the code input and/or output. These interfaces may allow for greater embodiment or hybrid approaches to live coding. From theater, to wearables, to audience interpreters and reappropriation of other interfaces or instruments, this session invites you to share your ideas and hear about computerless coding in all its forms.

Grab a beer or tea, and come share your thoughts with us on Octuber 11th at 8PM CEST on
Anne, Dare, Iván, Luka and Patrick
(the on-the-fly research group)


2021-10-05T20:30:12+02:00 <![CDATA[On-the-fly: Live Coding Research Open call results]]> On-the-fly selection committee, formed by Lina Bautista and Iván Paz (On-the-fly Art co-directors), Luka Frelih (Ljudmila), Yannick Hofmann and Cecilia Preiss (ZKM | Center for Art and Media Karlsruhe),  has decided, among the 76 applications received, to award the grant to:

- Olivia Jack (Hangar)

- Roger Pibernat (Ljudmila)

- Kıvanç Tatar (ZKM)

We sincerely thank all participants and wish all the best to the awarded artists!

With the support of:

2021-09-29T16:09:00+02:00 <![CDATA[Live coding meetup & code jam]]>  

On the occasion of the Partner-meeting of On-The-Fly, held from the 27th till the 29th of September at Utrecht, the On-The-Fly team will participate at the meet-up with CCU and NL_CL.

During the day are welcomed all coders, creatives, musicians, artists and anyone else who is interested or curious in the field of Live Coding to join us. 

We will talk about coding, show work-in-progress and explore the live coding practice. The day will end with an open code jam and drinks.

If you want to join the jam session, remember to bring your laptop, no matter your expertise we’d love to see you perform.
Jamming is open for anyone, but if you already know you’d like to join you can email:


This meetup is in collaboration with On-The-Fly, ZKM Karlsruhe,, Ljudmila Lab and NL_CL, and sponsored by Creative Europe Programme, Gemeente Utrecht, Fonds Podiumkunsten, Pictoright Fund & Stimuleringsfonds Creatieve Industrie.


Date: 28 Sept

Location: De Havenloods, Nijverheidsweg 6, Utrecht

Time: 20:00 - 22:30


2021-09-23T18:22:00+02:00 <![CDATA[Algorave at GOGBOT: 09 September 2021]]> This year, on the occasion of the GOGBOT Festival 2021, On the Fly will take part in the Algorave event on the 9th of September.

During the event, several coders from Europe will join and perform during the day.

For now, we see the participation of Iván Paz, the artist in residence of On the fly and the live coder Blaž Pavlica.

GOGBOT is an annual festival in Enschede organized by Planetart, a local group of artists. The festival deals with subjects in the area of multimedia, art, music and technology.

This year GOGBOT 2021 dives into the transformation of our information ecosystem in times of synthetic media, #deepfakes, conspiracy theories, and more.

How do we stay together as a society in times when nothing is as it seems? It’s time to recalibrate reality!


For more information’s visit:

Title: Gogbot Algorave 2021
Location: The Sickhouse, Enschede
Date & Time: 9th of September, starting from 22:00

2021-09-07T17:30:00+02:00 <![CDATA[ALG0MA5 at Gaudeamus Festival 11 & 12 September 2021]]> On The Fly artists in residence will take part in the ALG0MA5 concert. The event will take place on the 11th and 12th of September during the Gaudeamus Festival at Utrecht.

ALG0MA5, presented by Gaudeamus, Creative Coding Utrecht and NL_CL, is a concert in which you see digital creativity enriching the practice of composers, instrument builders and musicians.

The event is framed by three performances by live coders from Barcelona, ​​Karlsruhe and Ljublijana who belong to the European collaborative project On-The-Fly.

Event description:
The Brazilian composer and hardware hacker Rafaele Andrade shows the versatility of her hybrid instrument KNURL.  KNURL is a hybrid cello with 16 strings made of durable material and built-in electronic components.  Moreover, the musicians and artists Jonathan Reus, Sabrina Verhage and Anne Veinberg & Felipe Ignacio Noriega will demonstrate that thanks to the electronics, the audience can influence the sounds of the instrument to live during the concert.

The entrance is free!

For more information’s visit:

On-The-Fly is made possible in part by the support of Creative Europe, the Dutch Performing Arts Fund and the Creative Industries Fund NL.

Title: ALG0MA5 a showcase of hybrid live coding practices
Location: De Nijverheid, Utrecht

Date & Time: September 12th 12:00 - 15:00




2021-09-01T13:28:00+02:00 <![CDATA[Live coding performances by Gaia Leandra, Malitzin Cortes & Ivan Abreu presented at the ZKM Kubus]]> On the 11th of September, as part of On the fly, artistic live coding performances will be presented by the artists in residence Gaia Leandra, Malitzin Cortes & Ivan Abreu at the ZKM Kubus.


During the event, Gaia Leandra, an Italian artist and scientist, presents Microscópica, an interactive performance at the intersection of biohacking and live coding. Microscoped organisms and their recorded visual parameters are made sound in real time by means of live coding.

Afterwards, the Mexican artist duo Malitzin Cortes & Ivan Abreu, will perform an audiovisual performance for the Klangdom loudspeaker instrument. Here, the technique of live coding is brought together in an innovative way with the expansive sonic possibilities of the Klangdom as well as the data-artistic procedural visual worlds of the duo.



Keep posted for more information’s! ⠀⠀


The event takes place within the framework of the European project On-the-fly and is co-financed by the program Creative Europe of the European Union.


Photo: Antonio Roberts

2021-09-01T13:19:21+02:00 <![CDATA[on-the-fly cantina summer/winter break]]> Dear on-the-fly cantina attendees

As many of us are currently enjoying a well deserved break, on-the-fly cantina will also have a break during August.

Grab a beer or tea, and enjoy the summer/winter according to your location.
We will see each other again on September to share more thoughts.

Anne, Dare, Iván, Luka and Patrick
(the on-the-fly research group)


2021-08-07T13:47:02+02:00 <![CDATA[How do the tools we use shape our artistic statement?]]>  
Although we all are aware that the tools we use shape our artistic statement maybe we do not talk about it as often as we should. In what way have you become aware of these constraints? Which implications does it have for people building their own languages and tools? What happens with concepts such as time, pattern, etc, when we have all these different languages and libraries? Does a live coding language has a specific sound?
Grab a beer or tea, and come share your thoughts with us on July 12th at 8PM CEST on
Anne, Dare, Iván, Luka and Patrick
(the on-the-fly research group)
2021-07-09T16:54:23+02:00 <![CDATA[Live Coding session: Laura Llaneli students from Massana]]> A new group of live coders composed of young girls is emerging in Massana

On-the-Fly collaborates with the live coder and artist Laura Llaneli.

Laura is teaching live coding to the students of the Massana Permanent course "Sound Art: concept, recording and editing".

On the 17th of June, they were invited to Hangar to meet the TOPLAP community and participate in a live coding session playing with Sonicpi!

The idea is to broaden the knowledge of Live Coding started at Massana, to deepen it, and to propose a collaborative meeting that will result in a group concert. In this way, women initiated in programming will find a friendly and professional environment to continue their research on Live Coding.

2021-06-17T08:27:00+02:00 <![CDATA[Online Workshop of Hydra]]> On June 7th, On-the-Fly in collaboration with the civic center L'Electric co-organize an online introductory workshop of Hydra: the platform for live coding visuals created by Olivia Jack.

During the workshop, participants will learn how to create and modify visuals from shapes, colors, sound or visual fonts.

The activity will be conducted by Lina Bautista, musician, artist, Toplap Barcelona's co-founder and artistic coordinator of On-the-Fly.

The aim of this workshop is to engage people, especially youngsters in the critical use of open-sourse tools in a creative way, to develop some skills and also to achieve greater gender equality.

Practical informations

  • 7th of June
  • From 6h:30 to 20:00
  • Online & free
  • The workshop will be held in Spanish
  • Registration is needed

Link for inscriptions available here


2021-06-02T11:36:00+02:00 <![CDATA[On-the-Fly at the Science Biennial]]> On June 11th On-the-fly, the European project led by Hangar, takes part in the Biennal Ciutat i Ciència with two proposals: La noche – Live coding and La noche – Pecha Kucha express & live coding.

In the first meeting, La noche – Live coding, Iván Paz will be in charge of a live coding performance, with the visuals of Toni J. Live coding is a performative technique, a form of performance art and a creativity technique focused on writing source code in real time and the use of interactive programming. It is a new direction in electronic music. It is improvising and formalizing in public.

The live coders expose and modify in real time the software generating music or images, while the manipulation of the code is projected so that everyone can follow the process of creation.

The second meeting, La noche – Pecha kucha express & live coding, will consist of a double activity that will combine performance, art, science and technology.

The first part consists of a battery of pecha kuchas, quick presentations in an informal context that make it possible to see many projects in a direct, simple, fast, agile way and establish connections with other similar projects. The first Pecha Kucha will be attended by Joana Moll, Elisabet Romero, Mario Santamaria, Pedro Gómez, Mónica Rikic and Samuel Sánchez. In the second one, Martí Ruiz Carulla, Maciej Lewenstein, Eloi Maduell, Antoine Reserbat-Plantey, Anna Carreras, Reiko Yamada will take part. Both Pecha Kuchas will be moderated by Carolina Jiménez.

As a closure, the second part will be a live coding session by Roger Pibernat, Citlali Hernández Turbulente, Anna Carreras and Lina B Linalab.

Practical information
Day: June 11
Time: 20 h
Place: Plaza Comercial
Type of event: in person with previous registration
+ info La Noche – Live Coding
+ info Pecha Kucha express & live coding

2021-06-01T16:31:00+02:00 <![CDATA[Paratext #53 ft. María García Ruiz, Shelly Knotts, Lina Bautista & Valentina Cardellino]]> On the 26th of May at 6 pm, Hangar will host Paratext, a monthly program of performances by artists in residence at Hangar as well as artists on exchange grants. They present, in different formats, specific projects or parts of their work. The sessions are always open to the public with the purpose of enabling interaction with the artists themselves. Each Paratext also has an editor who will later publish his or her impressions of the presentation on On this occasion, Sergi Botella will be the editor.

Projects will be presented by:

Shelly Knotts (On-the-fly residency)

Shelly Knotts produces live-coded and network music performances and projects which explore aspects of code, data and collaboration in improvisation. Her experimental and collaborative tendencies have seen her engage with diverse musical practices and styles ranging from electroacoustic tape music to live-coded dance music. Her work often investigates the intersection of data, technology, creative practice with socio-political concerns. This has included the use of network technology to interrogate the inherent politics of collaborative, data-driven and technologically facilitated music making. Based in Newcastle Upon Tyne, UK, she performs internationally, collaborating with computers and other humans.

María García Ruiz (Artistic Research Grant Fundación Banco Sabadell – Hangar)

María García Ruiz is an artist and researcher with a background in architecture. Her work questions the processes by which both spatial arrangements and their associated imaginaries are generated. From there she develops mainly three lines of research: one on the landscape, the relationship between the gaze, space and technology; another on the architecture of bodies in movement; and a third on the territorialities (and deterritorialisations) of flamenco.

Lina Bautista (Research and Experimentation Grant in Hangar’s Interaction Lab)

Lina Bautista holds a Master’s degree in Musical Arts from the Academia Superior de Artes de Bogotá, with emphasis in composition.

Since 2010 she lives and works in Barcelona, where she completed a postgraduate diploma in Music Composition with new technologies and a Master in Interactive Systems Design at Pompeu Fabra University and a Master in Sound Art at the University of Barcelona. She was artist in residence at Gracia Territori Sonor in 2010-2011, participating in various festivals such as the LEM, or the Mercat de Música Viva de Vic and in countless concerts of experimental music. With the Linalab project he has performed concerts on stages all over the world. In 2013 she participated in the first live coding meeting in Europe, the Live.coding.fest in Karlsruhe, consolidating herself as one of the pioneers in this field. In 2014, she was artist in residence at the Eufònic festival with the collaboration of the Centre d’Art Lo Pati in the Ebre Delta, together with the artist Laura Llaneli. From 2015 until today she is part of the Orquesta del Caos, an association focused on the diffusion of Experimental Music and Sound Art, and organizer of the Zeppelin festival. In 2018 she formed the collective Toplap Barcelona, a node of the international community Toplap, based on live coding, currently resident collective in Hangar together with Iván Paz, with whom she also leads the European project on-the-fly. In 2019 she presented the installation work post_window at the Ars Electronica festival in Linz, Austria and at Arts Santa Monica in Barcelona as part of the BEEP collection of electronic art. In 2019 she also presented the interactive installation Waveforms at Fundació Miró within the scope of the exhibition Arte Sonoro? from November 2019 to February 2020.

She currently works as a coordinator at Mediaestruch, Digital Art Area of the Estruch creation factory in Sabadell, she is a professor of the Master of Sound Art at the University of Barcelona and of the Sound Art Workshop in the arts degree at the Universitat Oberta de Catalunya, among other institutions.

Lina Bautista will present together with Julia Múgica the work Kilobots.

Valentina Cardellino (Short-stay residency)

Her practice oscillates between the visual arts and architecture, developing projects of various kinds such as art installations and architectural interventions of urban scale. She is interested in the role of design and architecture in the processes of normalization of the body, in the construction of taste, desire and self-perception. Above all, observing when these designs and processes fail through appropriation, adaptation, deviant use and disobedience. Her approach to this subject is from a performative point of view, from the reiteration of certain rituals and their consequences in our body language. She has worked with manuals and building regulations, in search of those scores that seem to orchestrate our movements. Her recent projects are related to the rituals linked to democracy, and particularly, the demonstrations as the established form of disagreement. She traverses these ideas with the concept of ruin and through a choreographic language.


The event will be carried out following all security measures.

Attendance is free of charge and will be on a first-come, first-served basis.

Supported by:

Image: Valentina Cardellino

2021-05-26T15:27:00+02:00 <![CDATA["SuperCollider with tea" (a.k.a SuperCollider meeting)]]>

On May 20th at 06.30 p.m, Hangar hosts "SuperCollider with tea" (a.k.a SuperCollider meeting), a Q&A session dedicated to the practice of live coding through SuperCollider. Shelly Knotts (on-the-fly artist-in-residence) and the TOPLAP-Barcelona live coding community will participate to the initiative.

SuperCollider (McCartney, J. 1996) is a programming language, originally designed for sound synthesis and algorithmic composition that is used for live coding, either as a language or as a sound synthesis engine. SuperCollider can be used in a variety of ways and it is extremely inspiring to understand the different techniques in which people use it. 

The session is also an opportunity to solve doubts derived from the last SuperCollider workshop moderated by live coder Shelly in the framework of ProxySpace. Additionally, the meeting will prepare the next From Scratch live coding session organized by Toplap_Barcelona on May 27th, which will be dedicated to Supercollider. 


• * SuperCollider: a new real time synthesis language. In Proc. International Computer Music Conference

• A Gentle Introduction to SuperCollider (2nd edition) 


Practical information workshop 

Date: 20 May 

Time: 18.30 h 

Place: Sala Plató, Hangar. c/ Emília Coranty, 16. 

It is necessary to bring a computer (OSX/ Windows/ Linux) and a pair of headphones. 

No registration is required. 

+ info 


The event is part of the European On-the-fly project and is supported by the Creative Europe programme.




2021-05-11T11:27:00+02:00 <![CDATA["How alive is a live-streamed Algorave?"]]> Coming up, the 2nd on-the-fly cantina! 
May's Monday meetup is titled: "How alive is a live-streamed Algorave?"
As corona-life well and truly passes the one year mark, let us take a moment to reflect on live-streamed Algoraves and other live-coded performances. Whilst these online events have become an integral part of cultural life, how much of the Algorave essence and vibe is still there? Are we dancing in our living rooms, pumping the music loud enough to feel the beats in our bones? Are live-coders still making the same type of music for the at home Algorave experience? Or is it anyway time to focus more on live streamed performances so as to reduce the carbon footprint of the touring artists and to level the playing field for those who can't afford or are unable to travel?
Grab a beer or tea, and come share your thoughts with us on May 10 at  8PM CEST on
Anne, Dare, Iván, Luka and Patrick
(the on-the-fly research group)
2021-05-03T19:48:00+02:00 <![CDATA[Algopolis - International livecoding meeting]]> DATE: Friday, 14 May 2021 | 3pm-11pm
LOCATION: osmo/za (8th floor), Slovenska 54, Ljubljana
LIVE STREAM: web live stream YT and Radio Študent

More about live coding

Live coding does not run by a common notation, and the instruments for it are hidden in the computer’s command lines. As a fairly new art form, it’s also an umbrella term that encompasses a fusion of electronic music, visuals, improvisation and live performance. A live coder composes music or visuals and creates an event in front of your very eyes. You can dance or sit or simply allow yourself to become immersed in it all.

The live coding community values shared authorship, open-source and free software, the collaboration between different approaches and a collective atmosphere. For this occasion, the meeting will take place in a hybrid form: on servers and live streams from the venue of osmo/za in the heart of Ljubljana, the new algopolis of live coding.


interactive installation by Bruno Gola


on-the-fly is a project to promote Live Coding practice, a performative technique focused on writing algorithms in real-time so that the one who writes is part of the algorithm. Live coding is mainly used to produce music or images but it extends beyond that. Our objectives are: supporting knowledge exchange between communities, engaging with critical reflections, promoting free and open-source tools and bringing live coding to new audiences. The project, running from 10/2020 to 09/2022 and co-funded by the Creative Europe programme, is led by Hangar Barcelona in collaboration with ZKM | Center for Art and Media Karlsruhe, Creative Coding Utrecht and Ljubljana’s Ljudmila.

Partners: Hangar Barcelona (ES), ZKM Center for Art and Media Karlsruhe (DE), Creative Coding Utrecht (NL), Ljudmila Art and Science Laboratory (SI).


Concept and production: Dare Pejić
Organisational and production team: Luka Frelih, Robert Mohorič, Dare Pejić, Anže Zorman
Public relations: Tjaša Pureber
Graphic design: Maruša Račič
Proofreading (Slovene): Nataša Martina Pintarič
Proofreading (English): Jana Renée Wilcoxen
Technical support: Valter Udovičić, Luka Frelih
Photo: Katja Goljat, Matjaž Rušt
Participating: Nina Dragičević, Bruno Gola, Luka Prinčič, Giovanni Mori, et al.
Sponsor: Cockta (Atlantic Trade)
Co-production: osmo/za, Radio Študent
Production: Ljudmila Art and Science Laboratory

This event is part of the on-the-fly project that is co-funded by the Creative Europe programme of the European Union.
ALGOPOLIS logptipi.jpg

2021-04-23T09:34:35+02:00 <![CDATA[Rarefacció: Giulia Deval / Niklas Reppel]]> On April 30th at 6 pm, Hangar will be presenting the fourth session of Rarefacció, a cycle curated by Sergi Botella that aims to present proposals that revolve around music and the underbelly of an experimental and unconventional viewpoint. The guests for this session are Giulia Deval and the live coder Niklas Reppel.

Giulia Deval / Niklas Reppel

Date: April 30, 2021
Time: 6 pm
Price: 3 euros

Rarefacció‘s audio will be available live at

Guilia Deval

Giulia Deval is a singer and sound artist from Italy working across different formats such as live sets, creation of sound dresses, concerts of imaginary characters and collective actions for voices and magnetic tapes set in dystopian futures. Her latest work Terrapolis, released by the Italian label ANS, is a solo album in which voice and tapes play with the idea of multispecies, creating extra-human sound notes.

Terrapolis is a fictional integral equation, a speculative fabulation.
Terrapolis is n-dimensional niche space for multi species be-coming-with.
Terrapolis is open worldly, indeterminate and poly temporal.
Terrapolis is a chimera of materials, languages, histories. Terrapolis is for companion species, cum panis, with bread, at a table together – not “post human” but “com-post”*

Niklas Reppel

Niklas Reppel (*1983, Witten/Ruhr) is a live coder, composer and audio software developer currently based in Barcelona, where he found a home in the local TOPLAP community. Often he is more involved in making live coding tools (i.e. Mégra, his main performance software) than actually using them. He comes from a multifaceted musical background that features everything from jammy rock bands to contemporary chamber music ensembles, improvisation, eclecticism and Markov chains play a major role in his current live coding works.

For more information, see:, or, on Mégra:

Niklas Reppel performance is part of the European project On-the-fly funded by the Creative Europe Program.

The event will be carried out following all security measures.
Attendance will be on a first-come, first-served basis.

2021-04-23T09:30:47+02:00 <![CDATA[ProxySpace: a day dedicated to live coding]]> On May 5th, MUTEK ES and On-the-Fly, a European project led by Hangar, co-organize ProxySpace, a day dedicated to live coding workshops and performances. Live coding is a performative technique focused on writing algorithms in real time that is mainly used to produce music or images, but also extends to other areas.

During the day, livecoder Shelly Knotts will give a hands-on workshop that will allow attendees to learn the basics of creating a live coding session, producing soundscapes, beats and patterns in SuperCollider — an open source programming language used to create music —, reactive audio/music installations, interactive systems, live coding and much more.

At the end of the afternoon, there will be six sound and visual performances that explore live coding from different points of view.

The performers who will perform as part of this co-production are:

Shelly Knotts, one of the artists awarded a grant from the On-the-Fly open call. Shelly Knotts is an improviser whose performances collaborate with computers and humans. Her interest in code, data and networks has led her down strange and diverse musical paths, from electroacoustic composition, to jazz and noise music, to Algorave. She experiments with generative and AI techniques and algorithms to make music. She has performed at numerous Algoraves and other live coding events around the world, solo and with collaborative projects such as ALGOBABEZ.

Iván Paz has a background in physics, music and computer science. Ivan’s work is framed in critical approaches to technology focused on from-scratch construction as a technique of exploration. Since 2010, he is part of the live coding community and has presented workshops, conferences and concerts in America and Europe. He is currently working with machine learning techniques while maintaining the real-time feedback characteristic of live coding.

Julia Mújica is a Mexican scientist dedicated to the artistic exploration of the complex processes of nature. With an interdisciplinary background spanning biology and computational physics, she is deeply interested in understanding how collectives make decisions that result in behavioral synchrony. Recently, her curiosity has extended into the artistic sphere, where the process of creation magnifies and prioritizes different aspects of the same phenomenon. Her work includes animated particle design in processing language, noise design from random walk algorithms for modular synthesizers, and collaborations with artist Lina Bautista on rhythm and collective patterns with interactive robots.

Roger Pibernat is an illustrator and musician who constantly explores other artistic disciplines and fields of knowledge. He started working with SuperCollider around 2006. He has been part of the Barcelona Laptop Orchestra and co-founded the Wú collective with which he has developed electroacoustic instruments, audiovisual performances, software and interactive installations. He is currently an active member of the Barcelona live coding community.

Glen Fraser (aka totalgee) is a Canadian software developer who has worked in graphics, sound, interactive and immersive technology for over a quarter of a century. Most of his professional life has been spent creating software tools for artists and collaborating directly with them. His initiation into live coding was in 2013, when he also belonged to the Barcelona Laptop Orchestra and the Wú Collective. Inspired by the TidalCycles pattern language, and following the (cheerfully irrational) live-coder tradition of reinventing the wheel, Glen develops and uses “Bacalao”, his personal collection of live-coder tools for SuperCollider.

Iris Saladino is a sound-oriented creative coder based in Buenos Aires. Member of CLiC (Live Coders Collective). She works live coding music (mainly, but not only) with TidalCycles and visuals with Hydra. She has performed at: UNSaM, UBA, Rolf Art Gallery, Museo Sívori, Museo Moderno, Centro Cultural San Martín, Centro Cultural Recoleta, Centro Cultural Ciencia, Planetario Buenos Aires, Planetario Bogotá, among others. Festivals: Amplify Nano Mutek 2019, BA; Festival Domo Lleno, CO; Festival de Música en Red, DE; Festival No Bounds, UK; Piksel, NO; OverKill, NL; SpamArts, BA. Irís will perform live from Buenos Aires.

Ivan Paz and Julia Mújica’s performance integrates symbolic machine learning for sound synthesis and systems with collective behavior for the visuals.

Shelly Knotts and Glen Fraser will combine broken SuperCollider synths and automatic drum machines with particle and shader effects to create fluid, responsive spaces.

Roger Pibernat and Iris Saladino will work together integrating programming languages such as Hydra, Tidal and SuperCollider to produce sound and visual narratives.

The session will be face-to-face and streamed.

The Algorave will follow its community guidelines.

Practical workshop information
Date: May 5th
Time: 12 noon
Place: Sala Ricson, Hangar. c/ Emília Coranty, 16.
Limited places (15 pax). The workshop is fully booked.
It is necessary to bring a computer (OSX/ Windows/ Linux) and headphones.

Practical information performances.
Date: May 5th
Time: 18 h
Limited places (40 pax). The event is fully booked.

The event is part of the European project On-the-fly and is supported by the Creative Europe program.

Coorganized by: MUTEK ES ;; Toplap Barcelona

2021-04-19T10:43:00+02:00 <![CDATA[on-the-fly cantina]]> The on-the-fly research group invites everybody interested in live coding to participate in a series of monthly casual video chats. Each session will be hosted by one or more members of the community and will be based around a different question. Rather than focusing on tools and specific programming languages,  these meetups will provide a space to discuss aesthetics, meta levels and how we relate to live coding - both as artists and as audience.
The first meeting will be on April 12th with the theme “Now that we have gathered - what should we discuss?”. This will be an opportunity for everybody to meet and share interests, concerns and areas of interest for future discussion. On May 10th we have scheduled: “How alive is a livestreamed Algorave?” -  a topic very relevant to our current situation and one that considers the practice of televised live coding in general.
So come join us on the 2nd Monday of each month starting this April and share your ideas and questions on everything you always wanted to know about live coding (but were afraid to ask).
At 8PM CEST follow this link :
We follow the code of conduct of the live coding community that can be found at the end of this page.
We are looking forward to chatting with all of you soon!
Anne, Dare, Iván, Luka and Patrick
(the on-the-fly research group)
2021-04-03T09:22:00+02:00 <![CDATA[Algorave]]> On March 26th at 6 pm, Hangar hosts an Algorave, a visual and sound algorithmic festive event co-organized by Sónar Festival and On-the-Fly — a European project led by Hangar — within the framework of VIU festival.

The Algorave, a term originally coined in 2012 by Alex McLean and Nick Collins, is generally executed through live coding, writing and modifying algorithms in real time with the computer as the physical interface. Its practice has spread to include, for example, patch modifications or interactions between electronic devices and code. Influenced by the hacker philosophy, in particular by the “open source” concept, the audience’s attention is divided between the music and the code that is displayed and that allows the programming process to be observed. This is why, in essence, an Algorave has a strong improvisational component, is alive and likes to take risks and explore limits.

The session will be on site and streamed.

The performers that will play in the framework of this co-production are:

Alexandra Cárdenas

Alexandra Cardenas’ work focuses on the algorithmic behavior of music and the exploration of musicality within code. She is a core member of the international live coding and algorave community and performs worldwide using the live coding platforms SuperCollider and TidalCycles. Alexandra studied composition at Universidad de Los Andes in Bogotá, Colombia, and later completed a Sound Studies Master’s Degree at Universität der Künste, Berlin, where she has lived since 2013.

Alicia Champlin

Is an American intermedia artist and researcher from Maine, based in Barcelona since 2017. She works primarily with generative systems and sound, using installation and performance to explore aspects of agency and embodiment, with past exhibitions in Austria, Norway, the United States and Spain. Frequencies, resonance and feedback – especially biofeedback – are favorite tools. Champlin also plays the bow chime, sometimes with EEG augmentation. Relatively new to live coding, she is experimenting with the intention of playing in the space between indeterminacy and predictability.


Hailing from the valley of Caracas, Venezuela, Chigüire is the nom de guerre of Jesús Plasencia, a multimedia artist interested in the dialogue between humans and machines. Although they have spent much time using computers as a crude tool to earn money to survive, he found a calling in live coding and computer art in general. Despite being one of the newest participants of TOPLAP Barcelona, they quickly found a home there, and a place to grow in the art of making computers draw and sing, with the hopes of someday getting them to tell us their secrets.


QBRNTHSS (pronounced “quebrantahuesos”, meaning “bearded vulture” in Spanish) is the alias that Ramon Casamajó, musician and computer scientist, uses for his solo works focused on electronics and live coding. As QBRNTHSS he released a split LP (Harry Dean Stanton, Call It Anything Records 2019), and is actively involved in the TOPLAP Barcelona collective. He has participated in online events hosted by the international TOPLAP community. He is part of Turing Tarpit, a duet with whom he has released several works and played regularly in Barcelona’s experimental underground circuit. He also runs the micro record label Call It Anything Records.


Linalab is a multiple singularity. It’s a whole and a unity, a solitary sound, and a note. A frequency that remains in time to become more complex, to become entangled, to become noise; melody, song and then silence. Linalab does not only exist on stage. Besides playing at numerous events and festivals, she also understands music as an ongoing process of investigation. She is a producer for the Synth Vicious record label; plays an active role with TOPLAP Barcelona and creates electronic sound devices with Familiar DIY.

Toni J

Toni Jaume is a digital artist, developer and creative programmer interested in generative processes, with a special interest in computer graphics. His research processes about metalanguages and new paradigms are the common thread that is reflected in his interactive pieces and installations that often focus on the language of videogames as a way to consolidate an understandable discourse between the observer and the concept. Through live coding, he explores new ways to elevate creativity to an exponent of constant creation in which improvisation derives generative graphics in a constantly changing world that draws on the concepts of fractality.


Also known as Citlali Hernandez, her work investigates the implications of the body and the use of new technologies in the arts. She has presented some of her projects in various spaces and festivals such as: CCEMx (Cd.Mx), CMMAS (Morelia), GAM Cultural Center (Santiago de Chile), L’Estruch Cultural Center (Sabadell), SALA OFF (Valencia), JustMAD Contemporary Art Fair 15 and 17 (Madrid), ECOSS Festivals 18 and 19 (Barcelona).

She is currently involved in university teaching, is a resident artist at Hangar, the open center for research and artistic production, and holds a doctorate from the University of Vic and BAU, University Design Center of Barcelona. She is also an active member of the Live Coding collective TOPLAP_Barcelona.

The Algorave will follow its community-sourced guidelines.


Practical information
Date: March 26th
Time: 18 h
Venue: Sala Ricson, Hangar. c/ Emília Coranty, 16.
The event is fully booked. You can join the waiting list in this form.

Algorave will be broadcasted live on


The event is part of the European project On-the-fly funded by the Creative Europe Program.


Co-organized by:

Toplap Barcelona, Hangar, On-the-Fly, Sónar Festival

2021-03-22T12:15:19+01:00 <![CDATA[VIU - Live coding Festival]]>

Live Coding meeting organized in HANGAR by Toplap Barcelona. It will take place from March 24 to 27, 2021 in Barcelona (

This meeting is an invitation to learn about this practice, participate and exchange experiences with the community of Barcelona.

For all activities, prior registration is required. You can register here.


Wednesday 24, 18h

Presentation concert of “Down the Rabbit Hole” the first live coding compilation album by members of Toplap Barcelona community, edited by Call It Anything Records.
With Iván Paz, Chigüire, Linalab, QBRNTHSS, Alfonsofonso, Eloi el Bon Noi, Niklas Reppel, Alicia Champlin, Gabriel Millán, Glen Fraser, Roger Pibernat.

Thursday 25, 12h
Workshop introduction to live coding by Alexandra Cárdenas and Lina Bautista.
An introduction to the Tidal Cycles programming language, held at the University of Barcelona in collaboration with the Sound Art Master Degree.

“From scratch” session.
Monthly session where each participant has nine minutes to write a small piece starting from a blank screen. 

Friday 26, 18h

ALGORAVE. Algoraves are events where music generated with algorithms is danced, including the practice of live coding, as well as other approaches to control and perform generative music.
This time with Toni J., Turbulente, QBRNTHSS, Linalab, Chigüire,  Alexandra Cárdenas, Alicia Champlin.


Saturday 27, 12h

How to make people dance?
A meeting of Toplap Barcelona community to talk about performative techniques in Algorave performances. 
2021-03-15T17:57:00+01:00 <![CDATA[Open Call Results]]> We are glad to announce the resolution of the On-the-Fly open call for the research residencies involving live coding practices. These residencies will be hosted by one of the partner institutions: Hangar Center for Production and Research in Visual Arts, ZKM Center for Art and Media Karlsruhe and Ljudmila Arts and Science Laboratory. 
On-the-Fly selection committee has decided, among the 76 applications received, to award the grant to: 
- Olivia Jack for the residency in Hangar. The residence project of Olivia is called “Fubbles”,- function scribbles - an ongoing research project into drawing as an interface for creating live-codeable functions in real-time.
- Roger Pibernat for the residency in Ljudmila. The aim of this project is to create a guide for live coders that are wishing to improve with their instrument, with a set of live coding techniques and exercises addressing practical and instrumental aspects of the activity, using Super Collider. 
- Kıvanç Tatar for the residency in ZKM. During his residency the artist will focus on his project ‘Live Coding for Neural Audio (LC->NA)’, which explores the aesthetic possibilities of using live-coding to interact with AI audio synthesis technologies. 
A special thanks goes to the Creative Europe Program and to the Creative Industries Fund NL.
2021-02-21T13:15:00+01:00 <![CDATA[on-the-fly research group]]> Live coding is the creation of real-time compositions by writing source code. As can be seen by the performance setup, the live coding practice highlights the role of the composer-programmer in today's world. 
Live coding activities have many layers and composer-programmers  have spent extensive hours designing, understanding, or extending numerous languages or libraries before performing. In addition, reflecting on live coding nature and possibilities contextualizes and restricts the possible paths to follow. This is an essential process as the possibilities would otherwise be infinte. 
For these reasons, the "on-the-fly" project has both a space for performances and  a space for research. In the research space we can discuss, explore, identify, reflect on and imagine creative directions in the live coding practice.
The members of the group are Anne  Veinberg (Creative Coding Utrecht), Patrick Borgeat (Karlsruhe University of Music, IMWI), Luka Frelih, Dare Pejić (Ljudmila Laboratory) and Iván Paz (Hangar).
2021-02-15T18:57:00+01:00 <![CDATA[On-the-Fly Open Call Results]]> On-the-fly selection committee, formed by Lluís Nacenta (Hangar), Lina Bautista (On-the-fly Art co-director), Fabian Van Sluijs (Creative Coding Utrecht), Dare Dare Pejić and Luka Frelih (Ljudmila), Yannick Hofmann and Ludger Brümmer (ZKM | Center for Art and Media Karlsruhe),  has decided, among the 114 applications received, to award the grant to:

- Jack Armitage (Hangar)

- Shelly Knotts (Hangar)

- Malitzin Cortes & Ivan Abreu (ZKM | Center for Art and Media Karlsruhe)

- Gaia Leandra  (ZKM | Center for Art and Media Karlsruhe)

- Branimir Štivić (Creative Coding Utrecht)

- The Twin Stranger (Creative Coding Utrecht)

- Bruno Gola (Ljudmila)

- Anna Carreras (Ljudmila)

We sincerely thank all participants and wish all the best to the awarded artists!

With the support of:

Ph: Paula Leinard

2021-02-12T14:40:00+01:00 <![CDATA[On-the-fly: partners meeting and Live Coding session]]> From October 21st to 23rd 2020 Hangar hosts the first meeting of the European project On-the-fly with partners ZKM, Ljudmila, and CCU.

To mark the beginning of On-the-fly, on October 21st 2020 at 7 p.m., Hangar hosts an international Live Coding From Scratch Session where each project partner will propose two live coders.

The sessions from scratch are live performances with specific characteristics. The rules for each livecoder (sound or visual) are:

1. You have to start with a blank screen.
2. You have 9 minutes to play. (9 minutes exactly, no more!)

The session will be mixed: the live coders from Barcelona will meet but other participants will stream their sessions.

Practical information
Date: October 21st, 2020
Time: 19 h
Space: Ricson Room, Hangar. 16 Emília Coranty St.

2020-10-21T12:42:00+02:00 <![CDATA[How can we contextualize live coding practice within the social and political conditions of the present?]]> This time on a Tuesday, the first on-the-fly cantina after the summer break:

"How can we contextualize live coding practice within the social and political conditions of the present?"


In recent years climate catastrophe, disaster capitalism and the pandemic have affected all of our lives, but social justice movements have highlighted the unequal distribution of their impacts. Technology is often proffered as a solution in global crises, but in many cases contributes for the worse. How does live coding assert or resist techno-utopian narratives? What socio-political anxieties are revealed in our performances? How can we shape our live coding practice or use the attention we are given as artists to foster mindfulness around these topics? Is live coding by itself already a political statement? Or is "L’art pour l’art" still a sensible mindset in live coding practice?

Grab a beer or tea, and come share your thoughts with us on September 14 at 8PM CEST on

Anne, Dare, Iván, Luka and Patrick (the on-the-fly research group) together with our guest host Shelly Knotts.


2020-09-10T11:09:00+02:00 <![CDATA[Live Coding Machine Learning?]]> Machine learning is being explored within live coding.  While most early live coding performances used simple sound generators and processors, such as sine waves, filters, etc., today it is increasingly common to hear performances, even those starting from scratch, using machine learning to perform specific tasks. For instance, creating clusters in a music database so that the performer can navigate an ordered space. The use of machine learning algorithms has implications in live coding practice. For example, real time training v.s offline training. Should the machine learning algorithms have to be visualized? Are new instruments and practices emerging from the use of machine learning? Should we collect data on-the-fly?
Grab a beer or tea, and come share your thoughts with us on June 14th at  8PM CEST on
Anne, Dare, Iván, Luka and Patrick
(the on-the-fly research group)